If you would like to contact us you can do so via any of the following -
Mail : PO box 69 Wellington NSW 2820
Phone : (02) 6845 3279
Mobiles: Robert - 0458 453 279, or Anne - 0402 809 543
e-mail : ramoore@well-com.net.au
When contacting the Register with a query or for a Membership Form, please leave your Name, Address, Telephone number and the Type of machine – as we do not email forms due to difficulties in the past.
PLEASE TAKE NOTE!!!. Whether it be the Register or the contacts that we give you, please leave a clear message and phone number, especially if your number is SILENT or UNLISTED. How do you expect us to return your call if your message is inaudible. Please help us to help you. Your details are important to us.